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Biking Life to the Fullest


Updated: Mar 17, 2022

Riding a bike is great exercise and often a hobby/sport for those with bleeding disorders. It can work the quadriceps, hamstrings, gastrocnemius, and other muscles. That being said, building muscle is an excellent way to maintain healthy joints when done correctly.

Many people often ride bikes for transportation. NG, a severe A hemophiliac, started biking as a way to commute to his high school. From Vietnam, a "poor country" with "no medication for Hemophilia at the time," NG moved to the United States and picked up biking which was also a way to keep his joints healthy, per his hematologists recommendation. Swimming was also a recommendation but cycling seemed to stick with NG.

NG's idol is Lance Armstrong, because he fought cancer and won. NG is inspired to do the same for his arthritis and hemophilia, and hopefully, others are inspired by him. When asked if he had a message for other hemophiliacs he said, "I’d tell them to infuse first and go for it. At the same time, they need to excercise and keep their whole body healthy. Hemophiliac are a curse and a blessing at the same time. Whether you see a blessing or not, it’s up to how you perceive about it." He aims to live his life to the fullest and claims that if "a third world country boy that has bleeding disorder and arthritis can do that, you can do that!"

NG runs a Youtube channel called Bikes RPG, which can be found by clicking here.

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