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VIP Study's Von Willebrand Factor in Pregnancy Researcher Study


Updated: Dec 7, 2021

Von Willebrand disease is a bleeding disorder affecting both males and females, where the patient’s blood does not clot normally as he/she is missing clotting Factor 8 and has none or very little von Willebrand factor, or the factor does not work correctly. Von Willebrand symptoms are usually milder than hemophilia symptoms, but can still be dangerous. There are three types, 2A, 2B, 2M, and 2N.

Women with VWD are often at an elevated risk of excessive bleeding, which makes childbirth threatening. VIP Study's Von Willebrand Factor in Pregnancy Researcher Study has taken on the initiative to further scientists and hematologist's knowledge of postpartum bleeding in women with VWD. According to VIP Study, the research "will assess the impact of maintaining von Willebrand factor (VWF) levels at a specific target level using VWF replacement therapy on bleeding rates during and after childbirth."

The patients in the study will consist of pregnant women with VWD Type 1, particularly those with VWF level < 30%, VWD Type 2 or VWD Type 3, and will be associated with one of the two study groups, which are based on their third trimester of pregnancy VWF activity level.

Dr. Jill Johnsen, "an Associate Member at Bloodworks and Associate Professor of Medicine at the University of Washington in Seattle" will be hosting a webinar Friday, December 10th @ 10-11 am EST. She says that '"This webinar will call to attention the challenges faced by patients with VWD, particularly individuals who menstruate or become pregnant. The VIP study website provides information on the VIP study, patient eligibility, and locations of sites taking part in the study."'

As of now, VIP Study is electing women that are pregnant in the United States older than18 years of age who have VWD of any type, and who will need to provide consent in writing before week 39 of pregnancy. You can read more on VIP Study's Eligibility page here: Read More You can read the full detailed study here, and visit VIP Study's homepage here.

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